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Simrad Koden Airmar Wesmar Australian Electronic Service

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

GC80/85 Gyro compasses

New software has now been released to improve Simrad’s GC80/85 Gyro compasses.

The following functions have been implemented:

- Pendulum function.This enables the gyro to make a 180° heading shift by closing a potentialfree contact.

- HDG with HDT as first priority when reading external heading sensor

- Two decimals in Rate of Turn signal (NMEA):$--ROT,-xxx.xx,A*hh

All gyro compasses shipped after 07.02.05 include this new software, identified by code BA for Master compasses and Control units.
Note that the identification tag is only put on the cardboard boxes and not on the units. The present software will however be shown in the control unit display during turn-on of the gyro.
Do also note that Master compasses and Control units must have identical codes. Units with code AA and code BA must not be mixed!

For GC80/85 Sensitive element (part no. 44174027/44170728) and Power Supply unit (part no 27101724) the code will remain as before: AA.

The following software codes are used:
Part no
Sw code
GC80 Master compass
GC85 Master compass
Compact control unit
Expanded control unit
Dual control unit

Spareparts affected with this software change are:
44142313 GC80/85 MCC pcb assy (Master Compass)
44142354 GC80/85 ICIF pcb assy (Compact Control Unit)
44142420 GC80/85 SCC pcb assy (Expanded and Dual Control Unit)
44142453 GC80/85 SCOIF pcb assy (Dual Control Unit)
44142495 GC80/85 PCC pcb assy (Dual Control Unit)

Pcb’s with rev.AA have no software label.
Pcb’s with rev.BA are marked with the new software codes as per. above.
Important:When ordering spareparts, please note the current rev. of Master Compass and Control Unit and clearly specify the software code required.

A new and better lubricant oil for use on the compass’s slip rings is now available. The name of the lubricant is "Applube", and it is ordered on part no. 27102128 (20ml.)



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