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Simrad Koden Airmar Wesmar Australian Electronic Service

Saturday, December 11, 2004

J50 Junction Unit

Power PCB, HW-modification

The J50 Power PCB has been through some HW-modifications. The most critical problem was located to the galvanic isolated solenoid output that failed from time to time. As a preliminary fix this was solved by supplying a varistor kit with the J50. This kit is not necessary anymore, as the varistors now are soldered on the PCB.

Changes made to the J50 Power PCB:

· A better protection on the galvanic isolated solenoid connection. The protection kit that used to be delivered with the J50 is now replaced by varistors soldered on the PCB.

· The RADAR output is improved to allow two radars to be connected in parallel. The radar output from J50 is now equal to the radar output from GI51
The modification is valid from code EA of the J50.



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