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Simrad Koden Airmar Wesmar Australian Electronic Service

Friday, November 12, 2004

Simrad Radar Cables

The reason for this notice:
From Simrad Inc. we have received information
that some of the 9 pin connectors used for the
radar cables are not embossed with pin numbers
on the connector housing. And, on some of the
connectors we have found that the numbers are
shown in reversed order.

What goes wrong:
The cables are tested to function as specified
when delivered from the factory. The problem
occurs only if the pins are disassembled from the
connector to route the cable through the vessel
and subsequently re-assembled incorrectly.
It seems that the pin numbers always have been
very small and extremely hard to read. But not
only that, we even found that some connectors
have pin numbers shown in reversed order or no
pin numbers at all.

This means that if the installer only goes by the
numbers, when re-assembling the connector, it
may end up totally wrong. Fortunately, nothing is
damaged because of incorrect wiring, so once the
connector is re-wired correctly and the system is
powered up, everything will be working fine.
! Do not rely on the embossed pin numbers on
the connectors, they may be incorrect!
Before you pull out pins from the connector, we
strongly recommend to compare the connector
and the illustrations in the installation manual.
Make your own notes, if necessary!
As of today, we will attach assembly instructions
to all radar cables leaving Quin Marine.


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