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Simrad Koden Airmar Wesmar Australian Electronic Service

Sunday, December 19, 2004

GMDSS SART Search And Rescue Transponder

Simrad SART available February.

•A SART is a Search and Rescue Transponder

•It is part of the GMDSS package required on SOLAS vessels.

•Simrad have a very well established name in the GMDSS market with the Axis range of Handheld Radios.

•Full Safety Package comprises of one SART two Handheld Radios and an EPIRB.

•SART is used as a homing device.

•With SART activated and interrogated by X-band radar it will emits 12 pulses which show on the radar display as a bearing line of dots. See Radar screen in picture above.

•Rescue vessel travels along the bearing given by the returns to find target.

•An activated SART will respond to a ships RADAR by out putting its signal which will appear on the radar as a series of returns.

•It will do this for up to 96 hours in standby condition and then for 8 hours being interrogated by a rescue RADAR.

•Maximum positional error of closest response is 300m at short ranges.

•Vessel will always be closer than the apparent position displayed on the RADAR.

Carriage Requirements .

•All SOLAS vessels are required to carry one or more SART’s
–Vessels over 300 tons must carry one
–Vessels over 500 tons and every passenger ship must carry two
–Ro-Ro ferries must carry one for every four life rafts onboard after commencing June 2004

Description of operation as described in picture.

•Antenna for Receive and Transmit

•Receiver Amplifier to boost weak RADAR Signals

•Diode detector triggers the Sweep Generator.

•Sweep Generator provides a signal to Drive the Sweep oscillator from 9.2GHz to 9.5GHz in a set pattern.

•Power Amplifier boosts the transmit Signal level to Aid detection by the RADAR.

•Size and Weight Difference between Jotron SART and the Simrad SART will make it far easier to sell into the Liferaft market on the roll on roll off Ferries. The yellow one by the way is the Simrad .

Finally as stated in previous log the batteries for the Simrad SARTs are not hazardous and therefore do not have to comply with dangerous goods requirements.



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