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Simrad Koden Airmar Wesmar Australian Electronic Service

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Koden CVS8811P

We have a new obsolete model CVS 8811P 50kHz 3 kW which has been sitting in the warehouse for years.

It has never been used and is offered for sale excluding transducer.

If you know of anyone who wants a 'spare' or a full blown new unit with a repair or money back warranty for 12 months then this is an opportunity not to miss.

The retail price for this was approx $10,000 but for a one off like this, we will ask $3500 inc GST plus freight.

If a different frequency is required we may be able to convert.


Sunday, November 28, 2004

Simnet Manual

The Simnet 48 page manual is now available to technical dealers.
This manual is intended as a reference guide for correctly
installing the Simrad Intelligent Marine Network - SimNet.
Please take time to read this manual to get a thorough
understanding of SimNet, how data is exchanged between the
products, the automatic interface setup and the selection of data
To get a copy please send your email address.


Simrad XX33 Simnet

The software to enable the CE/CP 33 to interface with the new Simnet/NMEA2000 is due early December and will be supplied for free.
We will carry out the software upgrades for $82.50 plus freight.

Please note that special computer software and hardware is used and Simrad do not allow dealers to do this work.

To compensate Dealers can mark up this cost by $20% to $100.00.

We will know more for sure later.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Seaport Radars

We have 2 sets Seaport Radar
1 Colour and 1 Black and White.

Fully tested and brand new albeit very obsolete.
We offer a 6 month money back warranty.

The colour unit is offered for $1250 B+W $1000 plus GST and freight.

First in best dressed.


Simrad New SA50 SART

Type approval of the SA50 commenced in late September and after several weeks of testing we are pleased to advise you that it has passed all type approval tests with flying colours. Production PCB’s and battery packs are already in production however the first production quantity of mouldings that we received from our supplier have not met quality standards and a rerun is required. In order to ensure that the next batch is up to scratch we will be attending the next production run. The earliest opportunity for this run is mid December which means that the new cases will not arrive here until later in December. The availability of product is therefore most likely in early January and we will continue to do everything possible to bring the product to you as rapidly as possible.

These SARTs do not use Lithium Batteries and therefore are not considered dangerour goods for transport.

Regards Frank

Friday, November 12, 2004

Simrad Radar Cables

The reason for this notice:
From Simrad Inc. we have received information
that some of the 9 pin connectors used for the
radar cables are not embossed with pin numbers
on the connector housing. And, on some of the
connectors we have found that the numbers are
shown in reversed order.

What goes wrong:
The cables are tested to function as specified
when delivered from the factory. The problem
occurs only if the pins are disassembled from the
connector to route the cable through the vessel
and subsequently re-assembled incorrectly.
It seems that the pin numbers always have been
very small and extremely hard to read. But not
only that, we even found that some connectors
have pin numbers shown in reversed order or no
pin numbers at all.

This means that if the installer only goes by the
numbers, when re-assembling the connector, it
may end up totally wrong. Fortunately, nothing is
damaged because of incorrect wiring, so once the
connector is re-wired correctly and the system is
powered up, everything will be working fine.
! Do not rely on the embossed pin numbers on
the connectors, they may be incorrect!
Before you pull out pins from the connector, we
strongly recommend to compare the connector
and the illustrations in the installation manual.
Make your own notes, if necessary!
As of today, we will attach assembly instructions
to all radar cables leaving Quin Marine.

Monday, November 08, 2004

SIMRAD 44/54 Simnet problem

To all Quin Marine Simrad dealers.

XX44 and XX54 connected to SimNet
The XX44 and XX54 units are classified as Class
1 products for a SimNet system. This means that
you will be able to monitor and control the entire
network from the units. You can see which
products are connected via SimNet and which are
presently selected as sensors for the system. You
can also reset or make changes to the automatic

NMEA 2 port upgrade.

The 44/54 series connects to SimNet via the
NMEA 2 port and a special converter, the AT44
Active Tee. However, to cope with this high level
of data traffic, a very high baud rate of 38.400
baud is required for the interconnection. The
filtering of the port was originally optimized for
standard NMEA, 4.800 baud, and must therefore
be modified to meet the new speed requirement.

AT44 and software status.

The interaction between the XX44/54 series
products and the AT44 connected to a larger
SimNet system is very complex and have required
more work than anticipated. The very strict tests,
which are constantly carried out have revealed
minor, but important details, which have to be
corrected before the release.
Considering the known facts, we believe the
release will be ready in a matter of 2 to 3 weeks.

The Solution.

Units requiring Simnet connectivity must be
returned to us to change frequency dependant components.
Quin Marine Service workshop uses surface mount
rework technology and repairs are performed in
strict ESD safe environment approved by Simrad.
The work therefore must be carried out at our service center.
As computer boards are covered by warranty
this remedial work is free of charge.

Simrad XX44/54 Fault

Fault symptoms
We have seen a few cases where the picture on
XX44 units has become intermittently distorted
i.e. the display looks checkered with random
patterns and may even fade out and
turn white. The fault has mostly been observed
during warm-up when starting up a cold unit.

What is causing this distortion?
Insufficient electrical connection between the
display cable and the connector due to a
difference in tolerance of the flat cable and the
connector mounted on the mainboard.

There is a factory repair for this problem which
includes changes of components on the main board.

As all units are currently under warranty we request
them to be returned for remedial work.

It would be prudent if you contacted your customers
to arrange thisbefore the fault developed as replacement
with new units cannot be provided.

We will post further info when the components become
available. In the short term be familiar with fault description.

New Service

Quin Marine in conjunction with accliamed author John C Payne have formed a web partnership whereby technical support can be provided to the general public.
Specific information for Simrad and Koden products can be sought using the FAQ page on the www.fishingandboats.com website.
This weblog is designed specifically to advise dealers of product information in fast and timely manner without the costs and delays found on normal hosted websites. It is advisable that you check this site for factory technical and service information relating to our products.
